Program Info
Mendham Basketball Program
Mendham Basketball offers 4 levels of competition for kids in Pre-K 4 to 8th grade. These include the clinic, transition, rec and travel leagues.
Team Rules
Below is a SUGGESTED set of TEAM RULES & CONSEQUENCES. These should be distributed and reviewed at your parents meeting (parents should be instructed to review and post them at home). Team Rules and consequences are an important method of maintaining a level of discipline with your players. Use them consistently and fairly. If you use your own rules and consequences, please keep them simple.
1. Be on time to practices & games with all equipment. Parents out of bench area 10 minutes prior to game.
2. Notify your coach if you cannot attend practices or games.
3. Respect and support your coaches, teammates, parents, opponents & umpires.
4. Have fun!
5. Try your best to learn the basic skills.
6. Listen to your coaches.
7. Parents should remain in the bleachers – not behind the bench or on the sidelines.
8. Conduct yourself properly using your best behavior and manners.
9. Get plenty of rest before practices and games.
10. While comments are always welcome, parents expressing adverse or unfavorable comments should refrain from calling the coaches until 24 hours after games or practices.
Violation of a Team Rules result in the player serving:
1. Bench time-out
2. Cleanup of gym area.